A little about me:

I often feel like the Country Mouse in new situations – a little shy, a little unsure, a little overwhelmed. Those who don’t know me might think me aloof, but believe you me, that is far from the case. I’m simply sitting back to observe and absorb….
And then LOOK OUT WORLD once I’m feeling secure and in my element!

PASSION! HOPE! COMMITMENT! These are the names of the game when it comes to my heart – and my heart lies firmly in several places: my love for my family and friends, my appreciation of nature and the boundless beauties contained therein, my daily blessings as an educator, and my absolute deep-seated HATRED of cancer and all that it steals from so many.

With these things at my core, I am often left breathless by the beauty of the sky, the antics of a calf or the incredible love that is evident each and every time a community stands together.

My heart beats strongly. It beats deeply. It beats truly.

I can go on a rampage, stand on a soapbox, and share the stories of my heart.

Sometimes I’m a little much – and I know that – but I am sincerely and honestly a “little much.” It makes me who I am – and I thank God for it!

Oh — and I love love love love LOVE unsweet tea w/ lime!

Simple pleasures in a complex world.
Bring it on!